Honley CE (VC) Junior, Infant and Nursery School

Curriculum Map and Calculation Policies




 Our maths curriculum enables all pupils to develop in all areas of learning, securing the cultural capital required to fulfil their potential and succeed in life, especially for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils.

The school’s policy for mathematics is based on the Renewed Framework for teaching mathematics from Foundation Stage to Year 6 (National Curriculum 2014 and the EYFS Statutory Framework 2014).

The White Rose Schemes of Learning are our main guide in curriculum planning, but we use a range of other resources to support it.  Mathematical Development is also a Specific Area.


Our intention is that when children leave Honley CE (VC) Junior, Infant and Nursery School, they will do so with:


• An understanding of the important concepts and an ability to make connections within mathematics.

• A broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics.

• Fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system.

• The ability to show initiative in solving problems in a wide range of contexts, including the new or unusual.

• The ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with challenges, showing a confidence of success.

• The ability to embrace the value of learning from mistakes and false starts.

• The ability to reason, generalise and make sense of solutions.

• Fluency in performing written and mental calculations and mathematical techniques.

• A wide range of mathematical vocabulary.

• A commitment to and passion for the subject. 


A high-quality mathematics education equips pupils to use mathematical thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Maths has deep links across many subjects.


Throughout school the key concepts taught in maths are:

·       Know and use numbers

This concept involves understanding the number system and how they are used in a wide variety of mathematical ways.


·       Add and subtract

This concept involves understanding both the concepts and processes of addition and subtraction.


·       Multiply and divide

This concept involves understanding both the concepts and processes of multiplication and division.


·       Use fractions

This concept involves understanding the concept of part and whole and ways of calculating using it.


·       Understand the properties of shapes

This concept involves recognising the names and properties of geometric shapes and angles.


·       Describe position, direction and movement

This concept involves recognising various types of mathematical movements.


·       Use measures

This concept involves becoming familiar with a range of measures, devices used for measuring and calculations.


·       Use statistics

This concept involves interpreting, manipulating and presenting data in various ways.


·       Use algebra

This concept involves recognising mathematical properties and relationships using symbolic representations.


These concepts are returned to repeatedly throughout a child’s time at HJIN and links between the concepts, other areas of the curriculum and real life are made.

Home Learning - Basic Facts

Each week pupils should work through basic facts at home. 


Basic Facts are all the number facts we want children to be able to recall instantly, such as doubles, number bonds to ten and multiplication facts. Building knowledge of basic facts is essential for developing mental agility, and to be able to solve problems using mental strategies. 
It is very important that every child builds up a bank of recalled Basic Facts. They need to be given lots of experiences to use these to solve problems, and develop understanding of how they are using this knowledge within their strategies. 
Children need lots of opportunities to explore and practise the set of facts they are working on – have a look at the help sheet for ideas for building knowledge. Numicon, dice, dominoes, ten frames, playing cards are all great resources too, as well as games and apps online. 
We would like you to start at the bottom of the Basic Facts and work your way up the ladder of facts over this term, if you feel your child is able to rapidly recall all of the basic facts of the stage they are on please let their class teacher know by sharing this information in their homework book or on Seesaw.
Basic Facts Stages and Help sheets: