FOHJINS is the school’s PTA (parent teacher association) and is open to all. It is a great way to meet new people and be involved in school life. We have regular events each year, for example, book fairs, Christmas Fairs, Easter Egg Bingo and a Summer Fair. We also organise other social events for parents which have included a fashion show, spring walk and quiz night.
We organise discos for the children and have special days in school on the run up to our bigger events to collect donations eg. non-uniform day (for the Chocolate Tombola).
All the money raised is put back into school to buy new equipment and books or is used to subsidise school trips and pantomimes in school at Christmas.
FOHJINS produce a regular newsletter to keep parents up to date with forthcoming events and to let you know where the money raised is going. If you would like more information please do not be afraid to speak to one of us in the playground or outside the Jagger Lane school entrance or leave a message in the school office.
Meetings are usually held once every half term on a Tuesday at 7.30pm followed by drinks in the village. The meeting dates are advertised on our Facebook Group, FOHJINS. Please find the FOHJINS group and ‘ask’ to be a member. We also advertise forthcoming events here so please do join the group. To get in touch direct please email