Honley CE (VC) Junior, Infant and Nursery School


Honley School Daycare - Jaggar Lane site extended provision for 2, 3 and 4 year olds




School Street Site - Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2




Jaggar Lane Site - Year 3 - 6

Admission Arrangements


Full-time School Admissions including transferring schools during the school year

Please visit the Kirklees website:



Extended Provision Admission Criteria


Honley School Daycare are open 7.30am-6pm, all year round (excluding Christmas, New Year and Bank holidays) and can offer places for 2, 3, and 4 year olds.


Waiting list places are allocated as they become available given the following condition.

The following points are in order of priority:


  1. Places for existing day care children are continued for as long as they are needed. The parent must give four weeks written notice of any changes. The ability of the service to accommodate changes cannot be guaranteed.
  2. Children with professionally supported social, educational or medical needs, providing their admission is compatible with the efficient education and care of other children.
  3. Places which support parent/carers who are working or training.
  4. Full day care has priority over half day places.
  5. 5, 4, 3, full days have priority respectively.
  6. Children who have attended the summer holiday daycare will be able to maintain their place until admitted to school.
  7. As requested days and sessions become available.
  8. All details being equal, on a first come first served basis.

Nursery Admissions Criteria 

The Early Years Unit can offer 15 hours a week of free part-time nursery provision during term time, from the term following the child’s third birthday.   Children are able to take the 15 hours in 3 hour blocks, i.e. 5 sessions per week.  Currently session times are 8:50-11:50 every morning during term time 

Priority for a nursery place will be given to:-

  1. Looked after children, children on the child protection register or those who are thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect. (Examples may include children who are active cases for social care colleagues and children on the child protection register).
  2. Children with exceptional, medical, social and educational needs identified by health, education or social care colleagues. Evidence should accompany applications. Examples may include children identified by the pre-school assessment service as having special educational needs, or as requiring assessment to decide if they have such needs; children who have needs identified by medical professionals; children living in families considered to be exceptionally disadvantaged in relation to the usual circumstances for the area; children who have limited or no access to English speaking environments.)
  3. Children who live in the Priority Admission Area (PAA)  age order
  4. Children who live outside the PAA but who have an older sibling attending the school in age order
  5. Children who live outside the schools PAA in age order
  6. Extra district children in age order. 


Waiting List

Once places have been allocated, and where it is not possible to offer some children a part-time nursery place because places are all taken, it will be possible for children’s names to be added to a waiting list if parents specifically request it.  Any places that then become available will be offered from the waiting list in accordance with the school’s criteria for admissions (see above).  Places will be offered on a termly basis. Only in exceptional circumstances will children be able to start at nursery in mid-term.


Parents may choose not to accept the offer of a place for their child but they must indicate whether they wish their child’s name to remain on the waiting list for admission in the following term.  They will then be considered for a nursery place along with any other eligible children. This may mean that a place is no longer available and a place at another setting may need to be sought.


 Right of appeal

As nursery provision is non-statutory the school’s decision will be final and there is no formal right of appeal.  However, the Headteacher will be happy to discuss any concerns parents may have about the allocation of places.


Parents can apply for a Nursery and/or Extended provision place by completing an enquiry/registration form available from the school office or by downloading the form from the school website, useful forms page.


Attendance in the reception year group


All children will be considered equally for a nursery and/or extended daycare place, regardless of whether they may eventually apply for a full-time place at our school.  Conversely it needs to be clearly understood that a child attending our school for their nursery and/or extended daycare provision is not given priority into our reception class.

The responsibility for admission into reception rests with the local authority and parents will need to apply separately for a full-time reception place via Kirklees School Admissions:
